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Splitting Assets During Divorce
When going through a'divorce, dividing assets is clearly one of the things that's going to be a headache. On top of the emotional and familial fall-out following a marital split, there's the obvious burden of divvying up the life you have built together. While deciding who gets the house, the car, or the vacation cabin may be first on your mind, there's also the issue of dividing up your actual accounts.'According to Wiley Publishers''For Dummies,'one important step if you anticipate a nasty divorce is to first open both a savings and a checking account in your own name'if you don't have one already'and transfer just enough out of your shared account that you'd be able to meet your very basic needs. 'If you haven't informed your spouse of this financial move, after he or she learns about it, expect some fireworks that'll make your'divorce'negotiations more difficult,' warns